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Apr 25, 2018

Relationships in recovery can be challenging! Chip and Veronica discuss their own dating disasters, how vulnerable we are in early recovery, and how we all just want to be loved...but go about the wrong way of getting it.


To learn more, visit the

Apr 16, 2018

Chip is a life-long committed atheist. Veronica is 'spiritual but not religious.' In this episode, they discuss whether or not you need 'god' to get and stay sober and what spirituality actually means.


To learn more, visit the show notes.

Apr 10, 2018

Veronica Valli and Chip Somers introduce their new podcast. Together they have over 50 years of sobriety (Chip has 33 years and Veronica has 18). They bring this experience to the Soberful podcast as well as discussing their own struggles and mistakes. They both passionately believe that anyone can recover if they...