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Nov 28, 2018

Veronica interviews fellow psychotherapist and coach Sherry Gaba. Sherry is an expert in relationships ad the Law of Attraction in recovery. Sherry tells her own extraordinary story of co-dependency and healing.


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Nov 21, 2018

The holiday season provides a unique opportunity to abuse alcohol in a way that is socially acceptable. 'Legitimate Christmas drinking' is where standard rules no longer apply and it can be hard in early recovery to even consider not drinking alcohol in December. This season not only provides lots of triggers to drink...

Nov 14, 2018

In this episode we answer questions about sugar and food cravings in recovery, detoxing safely from alcohol, overcoming regret about the past and abandonment issues.


To learn more, visit the show notes.

Nov 7, 2018

Being a parent can be one of the hardest jobs we do. We discuss the guilt and shame that comes with having children when you are still drinking and how you can begin to heal this. We also talk about raising children in recovery, how not to overcompensate and how to talk about alcohol and drugs.


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