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Sep 25, 2019

Joanne Bradford is an author, certified healing practitioner, and life consultant. She got sober at the tender age of 24 and has been inspiring young women ever since by presenting  'not-drinking' as a valid life option. In this interview, Joanne tells her story, how she was inspired to get sober, and how this has...

Sep 18, 2019

Getting sober feels like hard work, and we get asked if we have to do this work for the rest of our lives. The answer is yes, and it's fantastic. What we are actually talking about is maintaining our emotional and mental health for the rest of our lives. Chip and Veronica discuss the rewards of doing just that.



Sep 11, 2019

The Holy Grail of anyone with an alcohol use disorder is moderation. In this episode, Chip and Veronica look at why moderation (or social drinking) is very rarely achievable. We discuss the energy and effort that people put into trying to achieve it. The reason that we struggle with moderation is because of the...

Sep 4, 2019

Whatever the question is, balance is always the answer. Balance is key to sobriety because if we become unbalanced; it can lead to relapse. In this episode Chip and Veronica discuss the mistakes they have made and how to achieve balance using some simple suggestions.


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